Nature tourism is an important part of the economy in the Pacific Northwest. In British Columbia, tourism revolving around herring is a relatively recent addition to the nature tours available to visitors and locals. Tour boat operators, recognizing that humans, like other land and sea animals, are attracted to the burst of life surrounding a herring spawn, are bringing people to the spawning areas to witness this amazing event first hand. Tourists also view this amazing event from the land during the Brant Wildlife Festival in March and April. The festival showcases the congregation of Brant geese on southern Vancouver Island shores on their way to the Arctic. While passing through, the geese feast on herring roe on the beach and are a magnet for birdwatchers and the public.
Wildlife Tour from Deep Bay Marine Science Station to watch for herring spawn and wildlife in March 2014. Photo Mark Wunsch
Sealions congregating during herring spawn time in the Strait of Georgia near Denman Island. Photo: Mark Wunsch, 2014