About/Herring School
Kids' Stories
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Video List
"Calling for Change in Herring Stock Management" by Cliff Atleo
"Changing from Traditional to Commercial Mode of Fishing" by Keith Wilson
"Local Stocks in Mainland Inlets" by Daniel Billy
"Need for Changes in Herring Management" by Edwin Newman
"Overfishing on the Central Coast" by John Bolton
"Pit-Lamping Herring" by Daniel Billy
"Aboriginal Rights and Title" by Ross Wilson
"Abundance and Traditional Harvest of Herring in Scuttle Bay, Tla'amin" by Walter Paul
"Abundance and Use of Herring in Sitka, Alaska" by Harvey Kitka
"Assessing Herring Roe Quality" by Theodore Assu
"Black Bears Gorge on Herring Eggs after Hibernation" by Caroline Fox
"Causes for the Decline of Herring on the Central Coast" by John Bolton
"Changes in Environment and Commerce" by Bill James
"Combining Traditional Ecological Knowledge with Science to Inform Management" by Harvey Humchitt
"Commercial Fishing Up and Down the Coast" by Keith Wilson
"Considering Non-Economic Values" by Cliff Atleo
"Cultural Importance of Herring Eggs" by Harvey Humchitt
"Description of a Herring Ball" by Fred Leatherwood
"Determining the Quality of Roe" by Harvey Humchitt
"Ducks signalled the Herring Had Arrived to Orcas Island" by Fred Leatherwood
"First Herring School Workshop at Simon Fraser University in 2011"
"First Nation Communities Suffer from Decline in Fish Stocks" by Mike Reid
"First Nation's Rights and Titles" by Jennifer Silver
"Fishing for Sea Trout" by Charlie Bob
"Funniest Research Story" by Caroline Fox
"Genetics" by Dongya Yang and Lorenz Hauser
"Gill Net Fishing"
"Harvesting and Drying of Herring Eggs" by Harvey Humchitt
"Harvesting Herring Eggs on Cedar Boughs" by Freddy Louie
"Herring an Ecological Foundation of Marine Ecosystems" by Ross Wilson
"Herring and Ocean in Haida Language" by Barbara Wilson
"Herring as Spiritual Food" by Bill James
"Herring at the Top of Ancient Tla'amin Menu" by Megan Caldwell
"Herring Caught with Traps" by Daniel Billy
"Herring Disappeared after Big Commercial Fishing Event in Powell River in 1983" by Rod Innis
"Herring Disappeared After Intensive Fishery" Walter Paul
"Herring Encounter from Cape Scott to Cape Caution" by Daniel Billy
"Herring in Holland" by Martin Jensen
"Herring in Wuikinuxv Territory" by Jennifer Walkus"
"Herring Management With No Borders" by Harvey Kitka
"Herring Spawn around Quadra Island" by Keith Wilson
"Herring Was Very Abundant at the Bella Bella Dock" by Joanne Greene
"How to Achieve More Sutainable Management" by Frank Brown
"How to use a Herring Rake" by Charlie Bob
"Impacts of Herring Loss to Lummi Community" by Darrell Phare
"Importance and Abundance of Herring" by Daniel Billy
"Importance of Herring for People at Cape Mudge, Quadra Island" by Keith Wilson
"Joint Herring Management" by Ross Wilson
"Last Herring Spawn in Sliammon in 1982" by John Louie
"Local Herring Populations Have Been Hit Hard" by Mike Reid
"Looking for Ways to Improve Diminished Herring Stocks around Haida Gwaii" by Barbara Wilson
"Lost Culture Through the Collapse of Herring" by John Bolton
"Making and Using a Herring Rake" by Fred Leatherwood
"Masses of Herring in Hecate Straight 1950-1954" by Daniel Billy
"Massive Herring Fishery in Kwakshua Channel in 1942" by Andy Peers
"Meaning of the Gladstone Supreme Court Decision in 1996" by William Gladstone
"Natural Food Cycle, Ceremonial Use and Trade" by Connie Newman
"Need for Life History Studies in the Central Coast" by Gary Vigers
"Official Mangement Area Contradicts Traditional Ecological Knowledge" by Harvey Humchitt
"Older Herring Stayed in Philips Arm" by Daniel Billy
"Our Yearly Food Cycle" by Phil George
"Overfishing of Spiller Channel, Central Coast" by Cecil Reid
"Past Herring Harvest Methods" by Bill James
"Population Genetics Informing Management" by Lorenz Hauser
"Processing Herring" by Eugene Louie
"Proud of Our Young People" by Edwin Newman
"Relationship between Smelt, Herring, Kelp and Sedimentation" by Chris Morganroth
"Respect" by John Louie
"Science Needed to Improve Herring Stock Management" by William Gladstone
"Seine Fishery"
"Spawning Herring are Very Young" by John Bolton
"Standing up for Herring" by Saul Brown
"Stewards of Land and Sea" by Frank Brown
"Striving for Co-Management" by Cecil Reid
"The Bella Bella Fishplant and Economic Backbone for the Community" by William Gladstone
"The Gladstone Supreme Court Decision" by Frank Brown
"The Status of Herring Stocks off Vancouver Island" by Cliff Atleo
"Trade between Haisla and Heiltsuk Nations" by Joe Starr
"Traditional Ecological Management Informs Management" by Ross Wilson
"Using a Scoop Net" by Charlie Bob
"Widespread Decline of Herring on the BC Coast" by Gary Vigers
"Youth Needs Hands-on Experience with Traditional Harvesting" by William Housty
Commercial Fisheries
Hands on Experience for School Children
Terrestrial Mammals
Traditional Fishery
Traditional Harvest of Spawn on Hemlock Trees
Traditional Harvest of Spawn on Kelp (SOK)
William Housty
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Northern BC
Central BC
Southern BC
Natural History